Hello beautiful,
I hope you are having a beautiful February so far and that you are making yourself a priority in between life happening.

This week I want to invite you to dive into the FREQUENCY OF LOVE, yes sounds amazing but what does that even mean?

Vibration affects us in many ways, including how we think and act. So today I wrote a post talking about love, the frequency of love and how it can change our way of life, how it motivates all the loving actions and feelings we have, and what we can do to keep ourselves vibrating in this frequency.


Love: the original frequency

The vibe of love is the vibe that we naturally have. When we are babies, before we can even say it, there is an unconscious certainty in us that we are completely loved and completely worthy of this love. This is our initial “programming”.


As we grow, socialise and evolve, this vibration fluctuates and changes. There are days when we feel loved or love others, but there are also days when we don't feel loveable, we convince ourselves that we don't deserve someone's love. There are also days when we judge someone else. Days when we feel hate. Or fear. Or anguish. And this is also completely natural. 


As we grow, socialise and evolve, this vibration fluctuates and changes. There are days when we feel loved or love others, but there are also days when we don't feel loveable, we convince ourselves that we don't deserve someone's love. There are also days when we judge someone else. Days when we feel hate. Or fear. Or anguish. And this is also completely natural.


When we judge ourselves as imperfect or when we consider others as imperfect, it really is not our Being that is speaking, but our Ego. If we could see our Being, it would reveal to us that we always deserve the deepest and most sincere love and that this love begins from within and not from our experiences or relationships. If we could listen to our Being, it would tell us "I am love".


In this way, when you feel completely loved and when you externalise this feeling to love others, you are truly true to yourself, your spirit or your original frequency (whatever you want to call it).


We all emit an electromagnetic frequency that is literally born in our hearts and out of our bodies. When you vibrate on the frequency of love your thoughts, beliefs and actions are in congruence with love and the frequencies you attract are also love frequencies.


Our path opens. We find people and situations that inspire and guide us to fulfil our passion, and that keep us on the path of love. We went from reacting to co-creating. You put the law of attraction to work in your favour.



Talking on this frequency is much easier than living on this frequency. Vibrating from love is a practice: it is something we work on every day because feelings of frustration, stress and anger will never stop being born.


Therefore, our self-awareness is a blessing because it allows us to direct our attention where we want, thus shifting our energy and actively seeking to raise our frequency.


Among the simple techniques that you can practice every day to raise your vibration to the frequency of love, consider a few of this ones:

    • Gratitude 
    • make acts of kindness with yourself, and everyone around you.
    • Meditation and breathwork.
    • Forgiveness.
    • Think Positive Thoughts.
    • Creating a sacred space at home where you can recharge yourself with peace.
    • Perform self-care practices, pamper yourself and recognise yourself as someone who deserves the deepest and truest love.



TIP. If you want to work on your self-love, don't miss out on this self-love planner that has the best tools to connect with your inner love, as well as our rituals to high your vibration.

Remember that where our attention goes, our energy flows. If you want to expand your consciousness to fill it with love then focus on loving feelings, actions and perceptions.


If your current experiences are not bringing you love, happiness, or fulfilling your desires, then work on identifying what is keeping you from this elevated frequency to shift your attention.


Sending you lots of love from the Bloom HQ
Marisa, Founder & your professional self-love cheerleader!!! :D

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